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Ideas for 12 Days of Giving

12 Days of Giving

Author: Liz Frome

The Job Shop will be doing 12 days of giving this year. We try to give back all year long but around this time of year there seems to be a bigger push. You can learn more about our campaign here.

As always, financial donations are a great way to give but if you just want to do something different you can go through this list and get some ideas. These 12 acts of service can be done with little to no money needed but are just as helpful if not more.

12 Giving ideas

  • Compliment someone you see today.

  • Bake a delicious treat to share.

  • Send an encouraging text message.

  • Donate clothes to shelters in your city.

  • Cheerfully greet someone in the elevator.

  • Let someone skip you in the checkout line.

  • Mail out a thank you letter.

  • Pick up litter along the road.

  • Take care of yourself with mental breaks.

  • Leave a positive comment on blogs and channels.

  • Pick a project and volunteer a few hours

  • Just be present and listen to each other.

We're beginning our own 12 Days of Giving with giving to 12 incredible charities nominated by friends, clients, candidates, and employees. The first charity we will be giving to is the Kappa Community Project, a non-profit that strives to promote minority youth development and achievement, financially assist college bound scholars, and provide impactful support to homeless communities.

We will be giving to 11 more charities and non-profits over the course of the next 11 days, doing what we can to help them do some good. Throughout the campaign, you can learn more about each of the non-profit organizations on our website on our Our Culture page.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." ― Winston Churchill

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