Author: Liz Frome
The Job Shop wanted to compile a list of places you can go to search for your new position/job/career. Sometimes we forget how many ways you can search; especially the ones that are right next to you. We tell everyone that you may take a position and it may not be your ideal position but if you love the company and you see growth; you can create your path within the company and eventually land your dream job.
Here is a list of some places to check out:
Remember this is a free resource to you. Pick up the phone and call and talk with a recruiter to see what type of positions they place. The Job Shop will get back to every resume submitted and every phone call; we pride ourselves on treating the candidates they way we would want to be treated in our job search. The Job Shop represents over 300 companies in the Bay Area and since the pandemic we have started to place positions across the US.
LinkedIn is a social network that focuses on professional networking and career development. You can use LinkedIn to display your resume, search for jobs, and enhance your professional reputation by posting updates and interacting with other people. Everyone should have a LinkedIn account and they should block off time each day to network! www.linkedin.com
Indeed is an American worldwide employment website for job listings. The site aggregates job listings from thousands of websites, including job boards, staffing firms, associations, and company career pages. Job listing site that is free to you. Most companies in the Bay area will post any new position on this site. You can search for companies reviews and for a salary range for the position and area you are trying to land a position. www.indeed.com
Craigslist is an American classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community service, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums. You can also post an ad on the site if you want to promote your services. Example: If you want to promote your website business. www.craigslist.com
ZipRecruiter's profiles feature aims to help millions of mobile app users find their dream job by simplifying the resume-building process and making it easier for them to stand out to employers. Profiles allows them to fill out a summary including their skills, certifications, desired salary, and career objectives. www.ziprecruiter.com
Glassdoor is a website where current and former employees anonymously review companies. Glassdoor also allows users to anonymously submit and view salaries as well as search and apply for jobs on its platform. www.glassdoor.com
Create a professional profile.
Use social media to showcase your expertise.
Take part in online job platforms.
Interact with like-minded people.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
Make a top 10 or top 20 list of the companies you want to work for. Go to their websites and see what jobs they have listed. You can apply directly for those positions or maybe search your network first to see if anyone can make an introduction for you. If no positions are listed, you can send your resume with a letter of introduction and what position you would love to land at the company.
Use your school's career services.
Join alumni associations.
Connect with your professors.
Use LinkedIn and other social media to connect through your college connection.
You never know who knows who! Have you heard of Six degrees of separation? It is the idea that all people on average are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. That is why at The Job Shop we always tell everyone to never burn any bridges with your employment career/search as you never know who is around the corner for that next interview!
Want to work close to home? You can walk in the area you live and see who may be hiring. You can get some exercise while searching for a job!
You can type anything into GOOGLE and see what comes up. You would be surprised at the many other ways you can look for a new position.
Please do not get discouraged as to land that dream job you want you will get some rejections. Keep in mind with each no you are closer to your yes and your next career.
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius
More tips to come.