Author: Tammy Doss
Filled the car up, bought some groceries, once again broke. Do you ever feel this way? It is all too common these days. Speaking with friends and family we all agree that this ridiculous inflation is killing us! A couple of ways to brighten the situation is to be practical. So here are some good ideas.
Do you really live that far from your work? Could a brisk walk or bike ride combine exercise and commuting and free you from your gym membership? Spring is here and the weather is getting more friendly. You don’t have to do it all in one week. Maybe walk once or twice a week to work or ride your bike. Added bonuses: Get out and see the world from a different view. Hand wash your car and vacuum it out yourself – Saves money big time.
Driving your car, gas and the insurance is a big expense. What to do about it? Driving less than 50 miles a day in California can save you in insurance premiums. If you are driving less than 50 miles a day, insurance is available at a discount. Companies offer low-mileage insurance if you install plug-in devices or download apps to monitor your driving. One of these options is called pay-per-mile car insurance. Check it out with your agent. Also check out your state laws to see if they have this important discount.
Food costs are on the rise like everything else. Look into these grocery stores for smaller portions and good discounts. Smart and Final and Food for Less are options other than Costco which can be great for some items. You need to be smart and not buy more than you can consume before the food expires and not get lost in the price game. Stores like Smart and Final and Food for Less allow you to buy at a reduced price and they have options that Costco doesn’t because the packaging is smaller. They also have a variety of fresh vegetables, meats and breads in packages you can use right away. The worst thing you can do is buy too much and then end up tossing it out.
If you are feeling the strain of less cash and not going out to celebrate don’t be down. At home get the old barbeque cleaned up and ready to grill. Buy meats that are reasonably priced. Have a simple Hamburger and Hot Dog night. Enjoy a good old fashioned Pot Luck and ask friends to bring their favorite side dish. Make a super comfort food like Macaroni and Cheese or Italian Lasagna that feeds many and is well loved by all. When we all come together it is special and cost efficient. Make your own fun! Where else can you enjoy a good meal with your friends and PETS other than home or the park?
It is important to take good care of the things that we have. This is true with everything and everyone you love and care about. A few good questions to ask yourself during these crazy times is do I really need a NEW something? What about that old pair of tennis shoes or that great crock pot that hasn’t been out in a while? Would making a gift for a friend or relative instead of buying one be an option for birthdays, baby showers, weddings or holidays? What is most important to me and what can I use or donate to make someone else’s life better?
I know YOU can add to this list of practical possibilities. Just know you are not in the boat alone. We all need new ideas, support and advice. Please give us a call and we can help you with your Job Search and Resume. We are all in this together! Call the Job Shop at 415-227-8610. Happy Spring.