Author: Darcy Raven
For the last couple years, I have dived deep into celebrating Halloween for the entirety of October. I am down to watch a horror movie any time of the year, but for the 31 days in October I commit to watching a spooky movie, horror movie, or completed horror series every day.
So if you like watching scary movies on Halloween, or just in general, here are my 31 spooky movie reviews for all 31 spooky days, featuring guest opinions from my boyfriend (who watches a lot of things with me) and Rotten Tomatoes!
1 - House of the Witch (2017)
Abandoned house? Nope. It’s a scary, evil, sadistic, witch that lives in the house and there is no escape.
1 word for my 1 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable Rotten Tomatoes: No critic score. 17% audience score.
2 - Sweetheart (2019)
Stranded on an island Creature feature.
Unique. Perfectly Simple. Well Executed. Creepy. Fun.
5 words for my 5 star rating.
Boyfriend Rating: Came back several times to watch various moments and saw basically the last 30mins of the movie. Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 95%
3 - Death Note (Netflix 2017 version)
Write a person's name in a notebook and that person will die. But there are a ton of rules and a fun death god that comes along with it.
Entertaining. Potential. Mediocre.
3 words for my 3 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: I watched it with him. He had seen the original anime version and was curious to see how the live action American version was. Just a note, the Death Note anime is also on Netflix and is a lot better than this movie. Though my boyfriend and I enjoyed this Hollywood-ized American adaptation, it could be partially because we had seen the anime. And even then, we had to pause several times because I got confused. So it's a toss up if you will enjoy this movie.
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 38%
4 – Visions (2015)
New town, new people, new house, and a new way to forget the haunting past. When it’s that real it isn’t PTSD, it’s something more.
Spooky. Had-moments.
2.5 words for my 2.5 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅24%
5 - The Monster (2016)
While driving her daughter to her ex-husband's house, the car breaks down (of course in the middle of nowhere). While waiting for the tow truck, mother and daughter soon realize there is something stalking them out in the woods. Will they survive?
A+ Performance. Attempted. Failed. 3ish words for my 3 star rating.

Scary monster. Great acting. Good cinematography. But a lot of yelling from a closed car in the pouring rain. It tried to be a classic horror, and the story does its purpose, but it was just ok. (I'm honestly shocked by that tomato's rating.)
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 81%
6 – Hush (2016)
See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. Well she is deaf and mute, but she will stop at nothing to survive the intruder intent on making her his next victim.
Unexpected. Minimalist. Adrenaline-rushing. Solid. 4ish words for my 4 star rating.

This was surprisingly a very well done movie. It turned the tables on the senseless slasher genre and the murderous antagonist. With only one really brutal scene, this was one of the best home invasion, flight-or-fight movies I have seen of its kind. Also the main character is a kick ass female protagonist.
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 93%
7 - Hubie Halloween (2020)
An outcast weirdo who nobody respects finds himself trying to save his hometown from evil.
Had solid moments. Plot was ok. 2ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: Was curious to see it. Watched the whole thing and rated it 4.5 out of 10 Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 51%
8 – Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)
A mom and her daughters make a living scamming people who have lost someone in their lives, but that scam becomes all too real when they purchase a Ouija Board for their performances that actually opens up the door between the spirit world and the real world.
Great Acting. Decent Plot. True to the Horror Genre.
3 ish words for my 3 star rating.

Overall this was a very good solid horror movie, until the end. The ending was laugh out loud funny and silly and almost ruined the entirety of the movie. They didn’t have to end it the way they did but they did and it’s hard to accept it. But I would still say despite the ending this is a movie to watch if you like ghosts or things reminiscent of The Conjuring.
Boyfriend Rating: 7/10 "Enjoyable. Doesn't take itself too seriously"
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅82%
9 – Holidays (2016)
A compilation of unique horror shorts; a spooky story for 8 different holidays we celebrate in a year. Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Years. Valentine’s Day. Mother’s Day. Fathers Day. Easter.
Interesting ideas. Some are better than others. Overall not bad.
3ish words for my 3 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: started the movie with me. Liked the 3rd short, Easter, the best and left during the fourth short. Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 52%
10 – Magic (1978)
Young Anthony Hopkins plays a failed magician turned into an overnight success with the help of his new dummy act. Is he a Creepy man with a dummy? Or a creepy dummy with a man? Either way it’s hard to trust the creepy pair.
Good for it’s time. Great acting.
2ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

It was good, but compared to horror films nowadays it lacked the plot and creepiness I have come to expect in a scary movie. I enjoyed the Annabelle and Chucky movies a lot more.
Boyfriend Rating: Wanted to watch because of Anthony Hopkins, but dislikes dummies. Lost interest about halfway through. 3 out of 10. Rotten tomatoes: 🍅 85%
11 - Knock Knock (2015)
Keanu Reeves plays a husband left alone for the weekend. Things spice up when two young women knock on his door asking for help. The women are stranded and ask to come in and use the phone. Things then quickly spiral out of control in this seductive horror, thriller, drama.
Eh. There are better movies.
2 ish words for my 2 star rating.

Boyfriend Rating: Became interested and started watching at the end, maybe the last 30mins. Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 38%
12 – Antebellum (2020)
Visions of the past or another life? Maybe visions of the future? Or is it just a bad nightmare? Just like the main character Veronica, the viewer tries to piece together the reality of her enslaved circumstances as she unravels clues from the torment of being a slave on a plantation.
Interesting concept. Mediocrely executed. Didn’t hate it. 3 ish words for my 3 star rating.

The cinematography, especially the opening sequence, was fantastic. Acting was strong. It was Not spooky or scary, but this movie was suspenseful. Antebellum put a twist on the slave story that I didn't initially see coming. The ending was satisfying, but as a whole this movie lacked the necessary depth and plot to make it the movie everyone wished it was.
Boyfriend Rating: Intrigued by opening sequence then lost interest. Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 30%
13 – Willys Wonderland (2021)
Loosely based off of the video game Five Nights at Freddy’s. The video game doesn’t have much of a story line and neither does the movie, which isn’t surprising.
Entertaining. Epically Violent against animatronics.
2 ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

Instead of surviving 5 nights like in the video game, Nicholas Cage’s character has to survive one night of animatronic horror. The movie doesn’t take itself seriously and neither should you when watching. It is a fun watch.
Boyfriend Rating: Watched the whole thing. 5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 62%
14 - Candyman (2021)
The legend of the Candyman entails a man who puts razor blades in candy and takes the life of those who call him. Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Candyman. Saying his name five times while looking in the mirror summons him, and thus the killings begin.
The idea of Candyman is scarier than this movie.
Great Idea. Had Potential. Wanted More.
3ish words for my 3 out of 5 star rating.

With a running length of 1.5 hours, the script lacked depth and details and might have been improved by adding 30 minutes to the story. Plot points and emotional beats were glossed over, leaving questions. It really relied on the Candyman myth to push the story along. The film's score was notable, and the acting was solid, but it lacked the jumps you expect from fright horror, making Candyman just a mediocre film.
Boyfriend Rating: Watched all of it. 7.5/10 "Solid movie"
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 84%
15 - Into the Grizzly Maze (2015)
Grisly murders. Grizzly murders. Grisly Grizzly murders.
This movie is a slasher film that uses a Grizzly Bear as the main villain.
Nothing Special. Entertaining horror film.
2 ish words for my 2.3 star rating.

Not much plot, (but do slasher films ever have much plot?)
Minimum cgi, green screen silliness (did they use a real Bear?)
Filmed out in the wilderness (beautiful scenery.)
Big named actors (James Marsden, Billy Bob Thornton, Piper Perabo.)
As a whole, Into the Grizzly Maze is more entertaining than a lot of other horror movies using the slasher formula.
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 36%
16 – Old (2021)
Stuck on a secluded beach, vacationers soon start to rapidly age, and live their entire life out in just a span of a day.
Interesting Concept. Suspenseful at times. Mediocre Execution.
3 ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

Though time on the island moved quickly, this movie moved slowly and felt way longer than its running time of 1hr 48mins. It was an interesting movie but not interesting enough to keep us in it’s world.
Boyfriend Rating: 6.5/10 "Fun, but didn't make a lot of sense"
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 50%
17 – Freaky (2020)
A high school girl and a sadistic serial killer swap bodies. Now the countdown is on to switch back before the change becomes permanent.
Funny. Entertaining. Well Acted. Good twist to a story that has been told.
4ish words for my 4 star rating.

The concept has been done before. ie. Freaky Friday and The Hot Chick. But despite that this movie exceeds expectations. It was well thought out, easy, fun to watch, and a movie definitely worth watching.
Boyfriend Rating: "Vince Vaughn as a teen girl. 7/10"
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 83%
18 – We Summon the Darkness (2019)
3 young women find themselves in an awkward and gruesome situation that spirals out of control.
Entertaining. Original, non-formulaic. Surprisingly Good. Satisfying movie to watch.
4 ish words for my 4 star rating.

The title of this movie is a little misleading. You'd think that it has to do with summoning the devil, but that isn’t the case. It’s more realistic, with some surprising funny moments, and it is a solid horror thriller to watch, despite the twist being revealed a little too early.
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 69%
19 – The Turning (2020)
A nanny out of her element realizes she is dealing with way more than just two spoiled kids that have lost their mother.
Don’t Bother.
1ish words for my 1 star rating.

Though the story of The Turning has been done numerous times in the past, even in different languages and cultures, this movie version isn’t even worth watching. Instead, watch the related Netflix mini-series, The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020).
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅13%
20 – The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020 Mini Series)
See above since the story is the exact same as The Turning.
This mini-series has much better execution. Good Cinematography. Fantastic Acting.
3 ish word for my 3.5 star rating.

The episodes are not that scary but the acting especially by the little boy makes it a solid competitor in the horror genre.
Boyfriend Rating: 7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 87%
21 – Run (2020)
A deep dive into the sinister secrets of a close bond between an isolated mother and her daughter. Not so much a horror as it is a thriller but overall a solid movie. However, if you have seen the Hulu TV Mini Series, The Act (2019), then this movie isn’t as good as it is/could be.
Predictable. Could have been better, so it was Disappointing.
2 ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

(This rating is based on seeing the mini series The Act prior to watching Run.)
Boyfriend Rating: 7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 88%
22 – Berlin Syndrome (2017)
A romantic whirlwind soon turns into a nightmare when Clare realizes she is trapped in a stranger's house, and he has no intention of letting her go.
Had its Moments. Well Acted. Unnerving.
3ish words for my 3 star rating.

Berlin Syndrome felt genuinely real and kept the suspense up throughout the entire film. You can’t help but get engulfed in the story and the claustrophobic feel of being trapped in a stranger's home. Every second of the movie you are rooting for this poor girl to escape!
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 76%
23 – Color Out of Space (2019)
After a meteorite lands in the front yard, an unexpecting family soon finds themselves battling for their sanity and lives as extraterrestrials infect their minds, bodies and land.
Unique. Visually Stunning. True to the scifi and horror genre. Average plot.
4ish words for my 4 star rating.

I really enjoyed this movie. It had so many subtle clues embedded in the foreground for what was to come. The color scheme and cinematography was eerily beautiful. It was truly a great entertaining hard sci-fi horror thriller movie.
Boyfriend Rating: "Pretty, but I hate body horror :(" 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 86%
24 – In the Earth (2021)
Possibly post-apocalyptic, or the apocalypse is currently happening? Either way there is some virus going around, and a group of scientists are trying to solve the mystery as to what makes the virus tick.
Confusing. Seizure Inducing.
2 words for my 2 star rating.

The virus is never really explained. And though it has some nice cinematography to start, toward the end there were many times where rapid indiscernible images flash on screen, which was nauseating, unnecessary, and dangerous for those who are prone to seizures. This movie doesn’t have enough plot or entertainment to bother watching.
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 79%
25 - Before I Wake (2016)
Excited to become foster parents for a cute young boy, these new parents get more than what they bargained for when their new foster child’s dreams and nightmares enter reality as he sleeps.
Well Done. Suspenseful. Unique and well executed plot. Great acting.
4ish words for my 4 star rating.

I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. It was scary, yet beautifully told and shown. It is not what you would expect and it goes deeper than just surface level emotions and story. A truly original and entertaining movie.
Boyfriend Rating: Not Applicable
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 66%
26 – It Comes At Night (2017)
The question that haunts its viewers for the entirety of the movie, what is the "It" that comes at night? Isolated, a family struggles to survive the dangers of what seems to be a post-apocalyptic world.
Unique. Suspenseful. Needed, Wanted More.
3 ish words for my 3 star rating.

This horror mystery movie relies heavily on a threat that is left unexplained and up to the imagination.
Boyfriend Rating: 6.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 87%
27 – The Lodge (2019)
A new girlfriend trapped with her boyfriend’s kids during a snowstorm brings terror as her past reveals haunting events.
Uniquely Suspenseful. Engulfs you in its story and setting. Strong Overall.
3 ish words for my 3 star rating.

The atmosphere is dark, remote, unsettling, and backed up with great acting and a solid story.
Boyfriend Rating: 8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 74%
28 – Cam (2018)
A behind the scenes look into a camgirls world, focusing on one camgirl who is deep in that world. She vies to get the most views and is willing to do anything to make it to the number one streaming spot.
Interestingly Creepy. Not enough plot to make it worth seeing.
2 ish words for my 2.5 star rating.

The first 30 minutes introduces the viewer to the life of a cam girl, which was interesting and new to see, but the film takes too long to get into the horror bits. In the end it just falls short, which was disappointing. This movie would have been way better as a short film.
Boyfriend Rating: "Would be uncomfortable to watch with your parents. Slow paced" 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 93%
30 – Brightburn (2019)
Superman as a kid, but on steroids and evil.
Good attempt. Entertaining. Somewhat Predictable.
3ish words for my 3 star rating.

Definitely had an interesting concept, but it's nothing special. It’s somewhat predictable, with an unsatisfying ending. Overall a solid, perfectly paced, anti-hero movie.
Boyfriend Rating: 7/10 "I think the kid would get along with Homelander from 'The Boys' "
Rotten Tomatoes: 🍅 57%
31 – Happy Death Day (2017) and Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Happy Death Day: A girl reliving the same day over and over trying to stay alive while figuring out who her killer is.
Happy Death Day 2U: same characters same story but now from another character's point of view. They too start living the same day over and over trying to figure out who the masked killer is.
Entertaining. Horror and comedy intertwined perfectly. Strong script, backed with great acting. Slasher Film with class. YES!
5sh words for my 4.5 star rating.

I can’t recommend this film and its sequel enough. Yes, the story has been done e.g. Groundhog Day, Palm Springs, and Before I Fall, but it ended up exceeding expectations. The comedic timing is great. Funny, scary, suspenseful. Sequel is just as good, just as fun and opens up the mystery of the masked killer and the source of the repeating day. There hopefully will be a third movie to this franchise and I can’t wait. Perfect Horror Film.
Boyfriend Rating: 8/10
Rotten Tomatoes, Happy Death Day: 🍅 72%
Rotten Tomatoes, Happy Death Day 2U: 🍅 72%