Hospitality House is a non-profit that has multiple divisions in their program. They have a community arts program, community-building program, employment program, shelter program, and two self-help programs. The Job Shop reached out to Hospitality House and is now a consistent volunteer with Hospitality House and their Employment Program.
Hospitality house’s Employment Program offers options for gainful employment and increased stability by helping community residents remove barriers to employment, secure living-wage jobs, and pursue career options. They connect homeless and low-income job seekers to employers through hiring and job fairs, as well as, expanded support services, jobseeker support groups, and partnerships with employers, workforce, and employment agencies. Their Neighborhood Access Point for the Tenderloin and Sixth Street Corridor helps nearly 300 low-income and homeless job-seekers gain employment every year in two separate locations.
After a great zoom meeting with the Employment Program Manager and the Employment Coordinator, we found out that Hospitality House could use The Job Shops help in general to find their clients' work. Now when a case manager has someone signed up with them looking for work, if they think we can help them, Hospitality House case managers will send over the resume/contact information for a Job Shop recruiter to follow up with them. From there we give the resume a call, try and bring them in for an interview, and hopefully, help them find a position that is the right match.
So far it’s been a great volunteer connection and we hope to expand our volunteer work with Hospitality House in the near future. They are always looking for volunteers so if you are interested visit their website: